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    Yes / No Tarot
  • Upper card


    Need an answer and exhortation on something as soon as possible? This well known perusing gives you a basic yes or no and clear exhortation. Concentrate on your inquiry and select your card now!

    In any moment of decision, the best thing you can do is the right thing, the next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is nothing.
    - Theodore Roosevelt

  • The Fool

    Your Answer is No

    The Fool does not understand that he snickers and moves on the edge of a precipice. Your circumstance holds numerous perils that you have not perceived. You have neglected to listen to solid counsel and have concealed snags with false positive thinking. You must build up a more genuine state of mind with a specific end goal to escape from the threat that you now confront. It might be past the point where it is possible to maintain a strategic distance from the risk.

  • The Judgement

    Your Answer is No

    The negative side of the Judgment card implies that you won't have the capacity to escape from the negative results of your activities. You will need to pay the punishment for what you have done, and your activities will be uncovered in the light of day. The best way to enhance the circumstance will be to completely concede wrongdoing and acknowledge whatever discipline sits tight for you.

  • Temperance

    Your Answer is No

    The Temperance card in its negative state here recommends that you have a mixed up conviction that things will actually work out generally advantageous. You have neglected to take day by day, taught activity to satisfy your objectives. Hence, you may encounter a constant flow of setbacks. You must figure out how to adjust your convictions and activities with your most elevated yearnings. At exactly that point will your advancement be simpler.

  • The Chariot

    Your Answer is No

    An adjustment toward destiny implies that your arrangements won't be satisfied - for the time being at any rate. As quick as the wind, the Chariot that once took you to triumph now brings you low. Try not to be perplexed, for some of the time what appears like a misfortune conveys great things in its way. The negative pattern will be fleeting, and you will end up in a superior position in a brief time.

  • The Tower

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Tower speaks to quality, strength, and aspiration. It additionally implies a warlike, forceful state of mind. You see what you need and persevere relentlessly to accomplish it. The card ought to be viewed as a decent sign that you will have the capacity to thrive in your endeavor. You will beat your deterrents and foes and have achievement in what you do.

  • The Devil

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Devil speaks to realism and material power. You have impediments in your way, however you have the assets that you require with a specific end goal to address the test. This may be cash or physical quality, force having a place with the regular circle. A decent result will come about because of exhausting your energy right now. Try not to keep down, and you will have what you need.

  • The Magician

    Your Answer is Yes

    Space and time won't keep you from understanding your vision for the circumstance. Your inward power serves and secures the positive qualities in a tricky circumstance. Be interested in what the light uncovers to you, and you will develop triumphant. The Magician brings boldness and premonition, so look for inside for the more profound significance. The catalytic wedding begins when you open yourself to understanding.

  • The Emperor

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Emperor is a card of triumph and victory. You have attested your will upon the world, and you will win. The inward, divine nature triumphs over shallow matters. Mars and the Sun rout Venus and Saturn. Go ahead with full trust in your capacities and don't keep anything down. Disregard any uncertainty that may emerge and get up and go self-assuredly.

  • The Moon

    Your Answer is No

    The negative side of the Moon card speaks to lying and misdirection, the powers of fantasy conflicting with you. You will tend to misinterpret the circumstance and spot confide in individuals who are misleading. Be mindful so as to hold up until things get to be clearer before you settle on any real life choices. Perform routine work, however don't roll out significant improvements until a ladylike figure demonstrates to you the way.

  • Wheel of Fortune

    Your Answer is Yes

    You will have favorable luck and joy. The card particularly demonstrates material riches and common achievement. Things are going your direction, and you have a feeling of positive force in your life. The result comes about similarly from good fortunes and diligent work, both in the present and before. Be appreciative that things have gone your direction, and be mindful so as not to be excessively arrogant.

  • The Star

    Your Answer is Yes

    The exceptionally positive Star card speaks to seek after a splendid future and dreams working out as intended. The considerations that you have conveyed into the Universe throughout the years will accomplish the wanted results. You are near to the life you have envisioned, and you will start to see signs that you are getting what you need. This will happen in the following couple of days.

  • The Hermit

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Hermit meanders alone, showing enlivened activity and absence of sympathy toward material things. Today, this card shows awesome inward power and quality... the capacity to see things through without respect for the circumstances. You will without a doubt succeed in your attempt, however yield and duty will be needed. The staff of control will manage you.

  • The Empress

    Your Answer is No

    You have wavered to settle on choices and lost the helpful minute. You have longed generally advantageous yet have neglected to act. The Empress demonstrates to you that you must grab the day in the event that you need to succeed in life. She sits on the throne however can lose her place through inaction. Preferred to act over to lose the occasion.

  • The Sun

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Sun speaks to great considerations, joy, and satisfaction. You locate a decent place in your life where you encounter fulfillment. Your stresses blur away for a period and you have the capacity to unwind. The greater part of the apprehensions that encompassed you for so long now blur out of spotlight. This is an outcome a greater amount you could call your own state of mind changing as opposed to a turn in occasions.

  • Strength

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Strength card uncovers that you confront impressive obstructions, yet you have the assets inside of you to conquer whatever comes your direction. You have awesome strength transmitting from your heart focus, and you have numerous favors throughout your life. As you take a stock of the assets accessible to you, you will see that the circumstance is no foundation for stress.

  • Death

    Your Answer is No

    The negative importance of the Death card is stagnation and rot. You have dismissed the objective, and you stay in the grasp of negative behavior patterns. You are not able to open new pathways for development and discover yourself buried before. You can just get up and go by surrendering to change and most likely permitting stagnation to run its course. Make companions with endings to discover opportunity.

  • Justice

    Your Answer is No

    The Justice card in its negative sense implies that an irregularity has come into your life. Somebody near to you will lose confide in your words as your very own result routine of being not exactly honest. You have strayed from the way, and you must come back to great routes with a specific end goal to restore your relationship, which is imperative for your future development.

  • The World

    Your Answer is Yes

    The World card speaks to culmination of a bigger cycle of time. You are one piece of a much bigger example, a requesting that begins outside yourself. You happen to be surviving a critical point that will make clear your place in the perfect arrangement. You will pick up knowledge into the genuine way of things and know your motivation in life.

  • The Lovers

    Your Answer is No

    The negative side of the Lovers demonstrates an affection that has been lost or a test that has been fizzled. Each good thing has its shadow side, and each addition has a shrouded misfortune. This time around, things happen to not go the way that you thought or trusted. It is OK to be tragic for a period, since adoring and losing is a piece of life.

  • The High Priestess

    Your Answer is No

    You experience the ill effects of an absence of determination or determination and take after clashing suggestions. You show untainted lack of awareness about the fundamental powers at work in the circumstance. You won't succeed yet, or if nothing else not in the way that you need. You must make a stride in reverse and re-assess the circumstance. In time, you will come to comprehend why things have not been going your direction

  • The Pope

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Pope card speaks to concealed intelligence and clarification. Your psychic capacities will bloom, permitting you to see into what's to come. You stay away from peril by counseling your exceptionally solid understanding. The result will be striking to people around you. You are developing in your consciousness of the additional measurements of reality, and your quality transmits splendid white light as your third eye opens.

  • The Hanged Man

    Your Answer is Yes

    The Hanged Man shows a profound, enthusiastic, or physical trial that has purging impacts. The inconveniences that you have encountered recently have given you a more serene and humane perspective of the world. You have the capacity to feel for others around you and see the impermanent way for goodness' sake and occasions. Others will look to you for direction and solace, and your profound internal assets won't fall flat.

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