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Indian Astrology

Significance of Houses

As already explained, houses represent all aspects of life. Different houses denote different aspects, articles, relations, etc. These are summed up below:

Ist House (Tanu Bhav)

Ascendant, Lagna, its lord is called Lagnesh or Lord of Ist House,

Native himself

Life, longevity, health, natural tendencies, body, physical stature, form, shape, appearance, complexion, vitality, sorrows, gain, wealth, name, honour, dignity, fame, pleasures, sickness, voyages, journeys, textile, wool, wheat, gold,

Head, face, brain, nerves, facial bones, upper jaw, pituitary glands

Lunacy, idiocy, headache, insomnia, malaria

IInd House (Dhan Bhav) Wealth

Accumulation of money, possession of valuables, fortune in money, profits and gains, worldly attainments, jewellery, gold, precious stones, bonds, securities, shares, debentures, memory, academic education, extravagant/economical, early age wealth,

Family members

Speech, vision, right eye, nails, tongue, nose, teeth, chin

Obesity, goitre, abscesses

Also known as House of death (Marak Bhav)

IIIrd House (Bhatra Bhav)

Mental inclination, ability, intellect, courage, valour, heroism, short travels, communication, railways, wireless, P&T, correspondence, writing and editing, rumours, hills, mountains, accounting, mathematics, radio, TV, journalism, change of residence, library, partition of property, female servants, contracts and agreements

Younger brothers, sisters, cousins, neighbours

Right ear, hand, throat, arms, nervous system, shoulders, upper rib, thyroid,

TB, Pneumonia, rheumatism, asthma

IVth House (Sukh Bhav)

Native place, domestic environments, private affairs, secret life, vehicles, fields, pastures, farm lands, agriculture, river, orchards, mines, bridges, ancestral properties, hidden treasure, academic education, wells, watery places, milk, etc. lease, rent, tenant, antiquities, false allegation, adultery


Lungs, chest, stomach, diaphragm, major arteries, joints, ribs in general

Cancer, dropsy, small pox, flatulence

Vth House (Suta Bhav)

Love affairs, sexual ties, artistic talents; recreation, places of amusements, cinema, games, music, drama, sports, romance; competitive activities, cards, gambling, lottery, betting, crossword-puzzles; morals, ambassadors, astrological inclination, mantra, Tantra, wisdom, intelligence, school and educational institutes, bathing, sensuous enjoyments; shares, stock exchange; adultery, rape, illegal relations

Progeny, children

Liver, belly, gall bladder, intestines, digestive troubles, diabetes,

VIth House (Shatru / Roga Bhav)

Sickness, ailments, diseases; litigation; miserliness, debts, food, banker, bank drafts, pet animals, clothing, obstacles, service

Enemies, opponents, employees, subordinates, cattle, tenants fear from thieves,

Kidneys, large intestines, anus,

Constipation, masturbation, anus trouble, venereal complaints, hernia

VIIth House (Klatra Bhav)

Contracts, agreements with partners, opponents in contests / litigation, legal bondage, conjugal life, sexual marital life, danger to life, marriage, missing persons, passion, divorce, recovery of lost/stolen property, thief, pickpockets

Spouse (wife, husband), partners

Private parts, uterus, ureters, prostate gland, lumber vertebra

Bright's disease, lumbago, nephritis, renal calculi

VIIIth House (Ayur Bhav)

Longevity, span of life, House of death, losses, dissolution, inheritance, legacies, wills, insurance, pension, gratuity, accidents, insult, scandal, ill-reputation, dowry, suicidal death, sorrow, worries, disgrace, delays, dejections, disappointments, theft, chronic diseases, robbery, mode of death

Scrotum, pelvic bones, testicles, secondary organs, external genitals, seminal vesicles

Fistula, ulcer, nervous troubles, rectal afflictions

IXth House (Bhagya Bhav)

Fortune, faith, wisdom, divine grace, luck, philosophy, religion, foresight, intuition, prosperity, pilgrimage, sea/air travels, college, higher education,

publication, voyages, foreign travel, dreams, spiritual activities, lawyers, legal arbitration, clergy, communication with spirits, chastity

Knees, hips, thighs, female arteries, sacral region

Gout, paralysis, sudden fits

Xth House (Karma Bhav)

Profession, occupation, credit, honour, status and rank, employer, business

affairs, Govt, dignity, public fame, prestige, rainfall, worldly activities, judge, judgement, authority, promotion, permanency in service, position in life, Presidents, Prime Ministers, Ministers, Heads, pilgrimage, favours from Govt


Knees, joints, bones, nails, skeleton, back,

Leprosy, leucoderma

XIth House (Labh Bhav)

Incoming flow of wealth, profits and prosperity, , dawn of fortune, financial affairs, recovery from illness, society, community, wishes, ambition, desires, associates, counsellors,

Elder brothers, sisters, friends,

Ankles, legs, left ear, blood circulation, teeth

Nervous diseases, spasmodic eruptions

XIIth House (Vyay Bhav)

Expenses, confinement, restraints, prison, exile, secret enemies, loss, impediments, deception, fraud, scandal, suspicions, termination of appointment, mental institutes, nursing homes, charities, separation from one's family, misfortune, misery, hospitalisation, occult affairs, pleasures of bed, life in foreign country, salvation, rebirth,

Feet, left eye, left ear, teeth

TB, tumours, mucous troubles

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